Redundancy Console

 Redundancy Console Screenshots

The redundancy console is a system administration feature for people wanting to tweak detailed behaviours. It would not be important for typical users as it is automated sufficiently well. It is also helpful during development and for diagnostics.

This is part of a multiphase system that tunes backup rules throughout a Puddler network. Its purpose is to alter rules that control backup and encryption. Typically this will involve adding to the backup rules, but it could also mean reducing waste. The first choice influences whether the query is focused on finding files with too little redundancy or too much.

The second step constrains types of files to find. As shown below there are a large number of folder classes to choose from, but also file classifications and a number of other typical search patterns.

Once the search has been executed, the user is able to view the files and find any pockets that have incorrect redundancy measures. Then they can review the rules associated with these files and manage them as appropriate.
